The exploits of a wonderful Character and her/his/it's alts in the City of Heroes!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Check it out!

Well my people it's been a wile and I feel awful about not posting sooner (Not really I just like to show fake concern ^_^).

Not much has been going on but a lot of it has. This means that nothing in perticular has stopped me from blogging but a lot of nothing can really stop you from doing anything ......

So I've been playing City of Heroes again, man that game rock on so many levels! It's very detailed in it's gameplay and depth, the powers them self are very well done but kind of lask costomization.

You see, to make a hero you need to pick and Archtype and a Power Type. Archtype really has no bearing on powers but does on what missions you startout with. Power type is where you choose your powers and type of hero you are.

Here are the types:
Blaster: One who uses long rance "Blast" type powers, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Energy ect. These blast powers.

I'll post more as it seems that I need to go home now ^_^

Thursday, December 16, 2004

One more, I'm on a roll

Well instead of having an opinion this time it's just another what kind of this are you quiz. I find that it's easer to a post when there is nothing but a URL to cut and paste ^_^

Looking at this I'm a Classic Rocker, it's all good my friends.

Hair today Gone uh ..... tomorow?

Yes this is a post about my new lack of hair, I recently had gotten it cut. I went from a long haired (8 inches) pot smoking hippy to a short haired (1 1/2 inches) Hipster who listens to contemporary Jazz and sips a glass of port.

No really I've gotten my hair cut but it's not that drastic of a change, there has BEEN a change in my life and I'm trying to change with it. I'd like to some day grow up but I'm not certain when that time is for me. I act like I do because it suits my needs and I enjoy the way I do things. People look at me with disdain and confusion at my actions, saying I do the things I do for attention. I do the things I do because they amuse ME not for others. If someone else get enjoyment from my actions then great! I'm glad I was able to bring joy to their lives for if only a moment.

The things that make me, me are wonderful. Now if only I could remember them >_<. I'm taking the quizes at Liquid Generation and here you go, what video game character am I,

Well that is all I've to say today.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

What kind of hero are you?

I'm this kind of hero, didn't see this one comming at all >_<

Click on Neo to find out what hero YOU are!

Friday, December 03, 2004

Gentle's Thoughts

Nothing to big here, just an inner monologue that I was thinking about.

Why are rock/punk/grunge/ect. Music so loud? Why are the fans all thrashing about? Why are they themselves louder then the band sometimes? These are the questions I ask myself and I'm going to answer them from MY perspective.

1. Why is the music so loud?

Simple, the louder your music the more your sound is herd. The more people hear it over and over, the more likely it will be accepted. Taking this in to account even if your music is horrible then the louder you play it, eventually SOMEONE will like it.

2. Why are the fans thrashing about?

Well, ok, not EVERY fan is thrashing but a lot are. I find that the ones thrashing about fall into the category of "Wanting to fit in with the group". When one is in a group one will do what ever it takes to stay and/or move up in the hierarchy of said group. So the small amount of people who are "Thrashers" or "Moshers" are really just trying to fit in.

3. Why are the fans louder then the band sometimes.

More often then not the reason that I find fans are louder then the band they've come to see, is that the really want to hear them but make the mistake in trying got get their attention. In the end the guys up on strange (Not all but most) are professionals and train to ignore the crowds and screaming fans. Being ignored spurs the basic human brain to try harder to get the attention they want, this creates a kind of obsession in the mind of the fan. Much like a dog, if it's spurned over and over in an attempt to train it, will learn to accept the pain and most likely want more. This is why you see many loyal dogs with total jerk who treat them poorly (Or they just can't get away form the pain they crave).

Take into consideration of a classic opera, or concerto. The people are listening and sitting in polite ways, they neither scream or jump up and down but still the music plays. A quiet splendor that allows for inner piece and splendor. But it would be interesting to see an Opera house full of suits and dresses jump from their seats and start moshing to Beethoven's 5th or Amadeus' works, but maybe that's just.

I'm not saying that the music of the first example is bad nor am I saying it's good, also I'm not trying to point out that classic music is better either. I'm just bring up some facts that some have failed to see.

Also don't think that the opera goers aren't the type to want to be seen, quite the opposite. The main reason to go to the opera is to show refinement in a society that thinks money is the dominate factor in their lives. Watching an opera doesn't make you better then anyone nor does moshing/thrashing. What make a person better is when they drop the precepts society places on them, and live as they would, do what they want, short of Theft, Hate, Rape, Murder (THRM)! These things are what no one but the most depraved want.

This is the inner monologue that was running through my head today. More tomorrow, I'll throw some conspiracy's out to you all.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Gentle's Thoughts

Well looks like I'm here and I'm ready to go!

I've been seeing a big trend nowadays, there are a lot of On-Line massive Multi Player Role Playing Games (OMMPRPG) lately. Wow, big long title and quite a cool thing, if done in moderation.

On-line RPG aren't really all that new, they've been around for a wile now. But until recently there's not been more then oh say 100 people in the beginning, Ultima On-Line and the like. Now-a-Days almost everyone I know is on one or another. I myself play City of Heroes, the games them selves are quite impressive to the point of insanely cool.

What's better then logging into a game, meeting your on-line friends and having an adventure, when there is nothing to do that day. Sure going out side, exercising and what not but that can be done after you defeat that evil super villain/demon/dragon/starship/pirate/ect you get my drift.

On-line gaming is a great way for people with Little to No social skills to learn how to interact with more of their ilk. I myself have a few friends In Real Life (IRL or outside of the game), and enjoy meeting new people. Unfotunatly some people aren't as lucky as myself to not be worried what people think of them, so it's hard to come out of their shells. On-line Gaming is a great way for these people to get the interaction with other Humans console games lack. Playing Doom 3, Street Fighter, RPG's these kinds of games usually have just one person controlling the characters, dictating what they should do next, and unless your the head of a multi national company, or the owner/supervisor of a shop or business, you really can't do this IRL. The games people play On-line in my opinion allow for the socially challenged to become the social butterfly's everyone has the potenchel to be.

which brings me to my next point.

Why do most people playing one game (City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Everquest, ect.) have animosity to other people who do not play there's? What possible reason could anyone have to say "Oh you play THAT game? I feel sorry for you." or "Nope my game is and will always be better." comments like that really put a dent in the whole system, why separate yourself from a community when you can integrate and grow both in mind and spirit. Now I understand that some people really do have a problem with the games, they play them a little to often, a little to much. These are the what I like to call the Power Gamer.

Power Gamers come in many different types, from pencil and Paper to Live Action Role Playing (LARP), and from Single player RPG to On-line Ones. Power gamers are fine and all, I mean every social group needs it's version of a Jock, but really do they need to be THAT jerky? Please more power gamers are hard pressed to find people to join in a team, or a guild because of their attitude. Mind you not all power gamers are jerks, I've made friends with many, but the ones that have no redeeming values at all are the ones that need to shake their heads to check for loose parts.

In the end On-Line RPG's are addictive if not played with some restraint. Much like a good glass of wine, a cigarette, or a pot of coffee can turn from a once in a wile to a all the time thing, On-line RPG's need to be played in moderation. After beating that enemy, or getting that long sought after item, or gaining that level, go out and have a good time IRL. Nothing can take the place of breathing in fresh air.

My Day

Hey there, this time not much to say about anything specific just what happened to me today.

I'm a tech support guy, I work from 11:30 pm to 8:00 am. This makes me sleep most of the day away. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I have about 3 to 6 hours to myself for 5 days. That's a lot of time if you think about it. I'll say from 8:30 quitting time I get home at 9:20 - 9:35 doing the math that's about oh .... Carry the 3 and ah it's 50 t 65 minutes to get home and to work, so ball park figure is happy middle 114 minutes or 1 hour and 54 seconds or 2 hours.

Now I sleep usually about 3 - 8 hours a day, it's a nice strech 3 - 8. 3 making me zombie like and 8 making me alert. I usually thought get 6 hours add that to travel time and that's 8 - 10 hours of stuff, then 9 hours of work = 19 hours of things to do not by choice.

All together I've got 5 hours, I usually use the computer in these hours on with my Super Group. I will tell of more exploits later.

This is my general day, I'm a person who waits for the best time to do something. I like to meditate in my closet that I've modified, I added weather stripping to the door frame to block out all light and use socks to block the foot (get it Sock .... foot?) or the door so no lights get in there either. I've added a mirror to the "Meditation/Sleep Room", it's really odd but I sometimes think I see images in the mirror in complete darkness ...... more on that later.

Well then with that out of the way I usually do the same thing on my weekends but replace 9 hours of work and 5 hours of personal time with City of Heroes and The Matrix On-Line (I'm trying to set my account up but the darn page will not load >_<).

Thanks for reading, I hope this gives more insite to my daily life.

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