The exploits of a wonderful Character and her/his/it's alts in the City of Heroes!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Gentle's Thoughts

Well looks like I'm here and I'm ready to go!

I've been seeing a big trend nowadays, there are a lot of On-Line massive Multi Player Role Playing Games (OMMPRPG) lately. Wow, big long title and quite a cool thing, if done in moderation.

On-line RPG aren't really all that new, they've been around for a wile now. But until recently there's not been more then oh say 100 people in the beginning, Ultima On-Line and the like. Now-a-Days almost everyone I know is on one or another. I myself play City of Heroes, the games them selves are quite impressive to the point of insanely cool.

What's better then logging into a game, meeting your on-line friends and having an adventure, when there is nothing to do that day. Sure going out side, exercising and what not but that can be done after you defeat that evil super villain/demon/dragon/starship/pirate/ect you get my drift.

On-line gaming is a great way for people with Little to No social skills to learn how to interact with more of their ilk. I myself have a few friends In Real Life (IRL or outside of the game), and enjoy meeting new people. Unfotunatly some people aren't as lucky as myself to not be worried what people think of them, so it's hard to come out of their shells. On-line Gaming is a great way for these people to get the interaction with other Humans console games lack. Playing Doom 3, Street Fighter, RPG's these kinds of games usually have just one person controlling the characters, dictating what they should do next, and unless your the head of a multi national company, or the owner/supervisor of a shop or business, you really can't do this IRL. The games people play On-line in my opinion allow for the socially challenged to become the social butterfly's everyone has the potenchel to be.

which brings me to my next point.

Why do most people playing one game (City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Everquest, ect.) have animosity to other people who do not play there's? What possible reason could anyone have to say "Oh you play THAT game? I feel sorry for you." or "Nope my game is and will always be better." comments like that really put a dent in the whole system, why separate yourself from a community when you can integrate and grow both in mind and spirit. Now I understand that some people really do have a problem with the games, they play them a little to often, a little to much. These are the what I like to call the Power Gamer.

Power Gamers come in many different types, from pencil and Paper to Live Action Role Playing (LARP), and from Single player RPG to On-line Ones. Power gamers are fine and all, I mean every social group needs it's version of a Jock, but really do they need to be THAT jerky? Please more power gamers are hard pressed to find people to join in a team, or a guild because of their attitude. Mind you not all power gamers are jerks, I've made friends with many, but the ones that have no redeeming values at all are the ones that need to shake their heads to check for loose parts.

In the end On-Line RPG's are addictive if not played with some restraint. Much like a good glass of wine, a cigarette, or a pot of coffee can turn from a once in a wile to a all the time thing, On-line RPG's need to be played in moderation. After beating that enemy, or getting that long sought after item, or gaining that level, go out and have a good time IRL. Nothing can take the place of breathing in fresh air.
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