The exploits of a wonderful Character and her/his/it's alts in the City of Heroes!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Hair today Gone uh ..... tomorow?

Yes this is a post about my new lack of hair, I recently had gotten it cut. I went from a long haired (8 inches) pot smoking hippy to a short haired (1 1/2 inches) Hipster who listens to contemporary Jazz and sips a glass of port.

No really I've gotten my hair cut but it's not that drastic of a change, there has BEEN a change in my life and I'm trying to change with it. I'd like to some day grow up but I'm not certain when that time is for me. I act like I do because it suits my needs and I enjoy the way I do things. People look at me with disdain and confusion at my actions, saying I do the things I do for attention. I do the things I do because they amuse ME not for others. If someone else get enjoyment from my actions then great! I'm glad I was able to bring joy to their lives for if only a moment.

The things that make me, me are wonderful. Now if only I could remember them >_<. I'm taking the quizes at Liquid Generation and here you go, what video game character am I,

Well that is all I've to say today.
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