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Friday, December 03, 2004

Gentle's Thoughts

Nothing to big here, just an inner monologue that I was thinking about.

Why are rock/punk/grunge/ect. Music so loud? Why are the fans all thrashing about? Why are they themselves louder then the band sometimes? These are the questions I ask myself and I'm going to answer them from MY perspective.

1. Why is the music so loud?

Simple, the louder your music the more your sound is herd. The more people hear it over and over, the more likely it will be accepted. Taking this in to account even if your music is horrible then the louder you play it, eventually SOMEONE will like it.

2. Why are the fans thrashing about?

Well, ok, not EVERY fan is thrashing but a lot are. I find that the ones thrashing about fall into the category of "Wanting to fit in with the group". When one is in a group one will do what ever it takes to stay and/or move up in the hierarchy of said group. So the small amount of people who are "Thrashers" or "Moshers" are really just trying to fit in.

3. Why are the fans louder then the band sometimes.

More often then not the reason that I find fans are louder then the band they've come to see, is that the really want to hear them but make the mistake in trying got get their attention. In the end the guys up on strange (Not all but most) are professionals and train to ignore the crowds and screaming fans. Being ignored spurs the basic human brain to try harder to get the attention they want, this creates a kind of obsession in the mind of the fan. Much like a dog, if it's spurned over and over in an attempt to train it, will learn to accept the pain and most likely want more. This is why you see many loyal dogs with total jerk who treat them poorly (Or they just can't get away form the pain they crave).

Take into consideration of a classic opera, or concerto. The people are listening and sitting in polite ways, they neither scream or jump up and down but still the music plays. A quiet splendor that allows for inner piece and splendor. But it would be interesting to see an Opera house full of suits and dresses jump from their seats and start moshing to Beethoven's 5th or Amadeus' works, but maybe that's just.

I'm not saying that the music of the first example is bad nor am I saying it's good, also I'm not trying to point out that classic music is better either. I'm just bring up some facts that some have failed to see.

Also don't think that the opera goers aren't the type to want to be seen, quite the opposite. The main reason to go to the opera is to show refinement in a society that thinks money is the dominate factor in their lives. Watching an opera doesn't make you better then anyone nor does moshing/thrashing. What make a person better is when they drop the precepts society places on them, and live as they would, do what they want, short of Theft, Hate, Rape, Murder (THRM)! These things are what no one but the most depraved want.

This is the inner monologue that was running through my head today. More tomorrow, I'll throw some conspiracy's out to you all.
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