The exploits of a wonderful Character and her/his/it's alts in the City of Heroes!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Welcome to The Gentle's Palace.

I will be your host, The Gentle!

I'm an average guy with average wants/desires/needs/darks/lights/ect.

In this Blog I will be giving basic thoughts about life and my daily routine, if anyone wants it or not they are going here and I do not want to force anyone to believe anything that they don't want/like. You may hear uh .... Read some things that seem odd or things that you are totaly against, please I really like criticisms, but I like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism even more. Much like many people I'm really not into hearing someone's LOUD (all caps), angry, put down, thoughts on something I had said, please keep to normal netiquette and all is good. But I by no means want people to not post their comments here, if you want to loud then be loud, if you want to talk out of your butt then by all means please do. But do some research on the topic first before giving your views.

Now I'm not above going off half cocked myself and I may even break some of my own standards but just as in the world today, rules/standards are ment to be broken. So every now and then (or a lot of times ^_^) I may go off on a tangent, and please don't go crazy on me. Post your views and comments be them anger, approval, blandish, what ever. Heck if you want to Blog in a . or a ? Then go ahead, just if you do that please don't do it more then once. It will look tacky and brand you a silly person (not in a good way).

I will avoid profanity but, like I said before I might go off. Please don't be offended by my Bolg, it's my opinion and much like you I am entitled to it (this by no means .... MEANS that your opinion isn't any good, I really want to hear them). But rest assured I can be shown the other side, meaning, if a view that you don't agree with irritates or angers you and you know or have a different thought on the subject, please make it herd, you just might change my toughs if you make a convincing argument/debate out of the dealie.

Whew, that was long. Thanks for listening to ... reading the opening of my Blog, I'd also like to add what this Blog is about, like the first part said this blog is about daily life and things that happen to me. Like other people with Blogs, it may contain pictures, deep thoughts, random bits a quips.
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