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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Roleplaying cool?! (This counts for Video Games too)

Your reading this right, if you think that I mistyped the title. Roleplaying IS cool, so says I The Gentle!

Gentle reader (^_^), If your looking at this thinking to your self, "How is role playing cool, sitting in a room, yelling 'I slay the dragon with my sword!', eating cheedos till you explode, dateless forever!"..... Well, if this is your opinion then great, if it wasn't for views like this then EVERYONE (Give or take a few 1,000,000 people) would be roleplaying.

Roleplaying is in it's simple form story telling, from the dawn of time humans have told stories and to make them interesting added some parts, tweaked a few details, made it more then it was. Roleplaying is like that, the person who runs the game (dungeon Master, Ref, Story Teller, Game Master) is trying to tell a story for his/her players (yes there are female gainers to!). Yes if I walked into a room and herd the whole I slay a dragon line I'd mortem likely turn around and walk out laughing. But you see that's the thing, roleplaying isn't a full time thing, even roleplayers make fun of other roleplayers. The fun being made is not mean spirited, it's more like a football player looking at baseball and shaking his head or vice versa.

Roleplaying (RPing) can take any form, from sheets of paper and dice, to dressing up like your character, to in the bed room (The Stable boy and the Milk Girl). RPing isn't the dark and geeks world it was in the past, yes it was very strange in the day (70's - early 90's) but nowadays everyone has RP'd in one form or another.

RPing is a releace for some people, it allows them to take the harsh reality of life away for a brief moment of respite, to a time of high adventure or allows them to go deeper into what it means to be human. Now some people still associate roleplaying with dark gods and the devil, let me tell you, there are people who love what they love SO much that they would do anything ANYTHING to get it. ie. A person who enjoys religion at this level will find a way to get people to follow with them, how many people answer with "I did it because my god said to.", very few. The people who calm that RPing is "Evil" are the one who see free thought and freedom not under their control, they look for the most damaging evidence they can find then show everyone they can that it's this big "Evil" thing. How many people have died due to the result of a mad man, plenty. The sniper in New York, Sarin Gas in the Tokyo subway, the whole L.A. Riots ..... sorry I got carried away.

To put it to a point RPing is what you make of it, if you think is an Evil devil worship cult, then just keep your ignorance and silliness out in the open. Instead of Scoffing at a role player try to talk to one, you'll find that even though they may seem social inept, they are deep people who have feeling like you. RP'ers have dreams and wants like anyone else and I'll be damned if I have to change my mental precepts to suit someone else's views.

To the people who says there are no RPing females out there, take a closer look. Much like men, woman RPer's are looking for a good time (Not that kind of good time perv ^_^ I think ..... ), there are plenty out there, just keep looking. To the men who role play and are still with out a Mate/Girlfriend, Don't treat them like the half naked elf chicks you rescue in the dungeons, for a damsel in distress, they are just like you. More then likely a little bit lonely trying to find a group to get some game on.

Many People don't usually read Blogs this long, if you are hey thanks. Most of my Blogs will talk about issues like this but more then likely will show the adventures of my and others characters in the different games I play. I'll relate stories of life as well, seen by a gainer.

I hope this Blog helped with some of the issues of RPing/Gaming, it's not all papers, dice, dress-up, it's an adventure into your mind. Remember if it wasn't for RPG's Lord of the Rings would not be AS popular as it is today, geeks and dorks rule the world, just look at Bill Gates ^_^
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