The exploits of a wonderful Character and her/his/it's alts in the City of Heroes!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

What Hollywood type monster am I?

Frankly I'm not suprised : p

Thursday, March 10, 2005


What follows is the origen for ManOnFire:

In a small hamlet in Skandinavia an english explorer had arived in search of a great item. The man's name was Elton Endibourogh and he was a well respected archiologist. The item Elton was after was the fabled Fire Stone of the Phoenix, being that every legend about the stone centered on this Skandinavian village Elton was a little aprehencive about it actualy being in an area where Phonix legneds were all but scarse. There were many places in and aroudnthe town that were full of history and acrciolagical importance but none had the stone.

One night wile looking over his research Elton was aroused from his study by a loud rapping at his inn door. Confuesd at to whome it could be Elton approched the door and opened it, before him stood a small hooded person. The person spoke in a raspy voice with a heavy Skandinavan acent, "If you are looking for....." the person grasped for breath, "the stone.....then you should look to the east of the expance."
"Who are you, why are you helping me?" Elton demanded.
"In the expance......there is a the cave is the trial....."
Elton grabed the person by the shoulders and shook them slightly, "Who are you!"
The robe that concieled the person became limp as fire erupted from the middle of them. Elton quickly dropped the robes as they consumed themselves in their own flame, once eaten by the fiery attack the flames disapeared.
Elton fall back on his rear as he clammored backwards and hit his head.

The next day Elton awoke at his desk, nothing was out of place and he had no pain from hitting his head. It was almost as if nothing had happened.
"It was a dream, Yes a dream. Such a thing could not be possible..could they?"
Elton just scoffed at the deram he had and went to the local tavern for a bite to eat. Once he had sat down he proceded to ask the server about the expance to the east of the town, everyone in the tavern fell silent. The server replied, "The Expance is a cured place, only the bravist or the most foolish dare to enter that area."
"Popycock, there is nothing that sciance can't explain. Your foolish backwater ideologys are nothing but pure rehtoric. I will explore this expace and find the answers I seek!" and Elton stormed out of the tavern.

Elton gathered all of his belongings and left for his exploration attempt of the expance. Wile moving through the enormous regon Elton had to set up camp 4 days before he made it to the cave.
"So the cave really is here, I thougth it was just a dream.....what was that, that creature?"
Elton entered the cave with a toarch and started to explore the cave. Elton came upon a three way split in the path, at the middle of the room was the same robed figure that was in Eltons dream.

"Accept this, you are the 1st to arive here in decades." The figure held out a gnarly, withard old had holding a jewl.
"is this it, is this the Stone?"
"It will be your would be lost with out it."
Elton took the jewl, it glowed with a faint red sheen.

Now Elton was never a strong or robust indavidual, he kept to his studies throughout most of his school days and even now, but he was able to meet his loving wife and father 4 childern. His family is always in his heart but due to financhal difficulties he's been forced to do tresure hunting to keep his family going. He's had small sucess in the past but has run out of money since then. It's been 2 years of searching for the Fire Stone, but not untill today did he feel he was even close. As Elton traversed the left cave teh Jewl he aquiered started to glow, the further down the tunnel he travled the brighter it got untill he came face to face with a large stone gargoyal standing watch infront of a large ornate door. The motionless statue looked at Elton, a cold icy stabe punctured Eltons very soul, Elton shivered at the very site of this silent gargien.

Elton could hardly bring himself to look upont he Sentry that seamed to stear endlessly at him, he felt weak and naked in it's grand presance. But thinking of his family and the prosperity the Fire Stone would give them drove him closer to the Gargoyal. Shaking, Elton looked the Gargoyal in the eye, as he did his sight wondered to a slight indet on it's forhead. The indent was the excat size and depth of the Jewl that had led him to this point. Rembering his time in the Amazon he inserted the jewl into this depression. Nothing happened, afew seconds later a wall slid down behind him sealing Elton in a room with the Gargoyal. The temprature dropped to sub zero in a matter of minutes, lucky for Elton he still had his pack. Quickly he doned his cold weather geer, avoiding the hypotermia that would have clamed his life.

The rooms temprature stayed at freezing but did not grow any colder. The Gargoyal was now coverd with a small layer of ice, as Elton looked at the Gergoyal this time he thought he could hear it speak in his mind.
"Mortal, why do you seek the Fire Stone of the Phoenix. Your answer will determin your fate."
With out mission a beat Elton replied, "To save my famalie from poverty and to feed my childern!"
The gargoyal's eyes started to glow a fire red. "Your answer is truthful, you are permitted to enter the chamber of the Phoenix." The ice covering the gargoyal craked and then the Gargoyal itself shattered into dust.

Elton entered the chamber, in side was the stone. Expecting somthing else to pop out and test him Elton was a little jumpy. After removing his winter gear he continued into the chamber, the heat was sweltering and it seamd that the closer he got to the stone the higher the temperature rose. At 5 feet the heat was sointence that elton was getting slight welts around his exposed hands and face, but the he ignored the pain and continued forward, it almost seamed as if he was burning alive, but his resolved overrode his pain intake as he grabbed the stone of the phoenix. As soon as his flesh touched the stone his entire body was engulphed by fire, he yelled out in pain as the stone melded into his body. A few momunts later Elton Smyth was reduced to ash with the stone of the phoenix sitting in the middle of the pile.

Days passed, weeks went by. When Elton had burst into flame and was incinerated he had no idea that he and his line would share the same fate. In England the people of the Smyth heritange all fell into a pile of ash that day, no one could explain what had happened dismissed the instantanious human cumbustion. After one month of time a group of Heros decended upon the shards of Paragon city.

The on Fire Family was go! ManOnFire is the leader of the bunch, his wife WomanOnFire is as every much a tanker as her hubby. ManOnFire Sr. is the wise and stalwart sage with his grand childern, BoyOnFire, GirlOnFire, and ManOnFire Jr. Together they clean up each sharde in there own way protecting the citizen of the Paragon shards!

(A shard is the Differnt servers in the game of city of heroes.)

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